
Working together with our many collaborators, WolfBrown generates a steady stream of influential reports and publications. We advocate for transparency and public disclosure of intellectual property whenever possible, and actively work to tear down the barriers that prevent research reports and other useful information from benefiting the larger field. Our website is intended as a resource for the field, with Insights content grouped in several categories:

  • Reports include research papers, planning documents, and other deliverables we’ve created for or clients.  
  • Publications are peer-reviewed papers written for academic journals and other published articles.
  • Presentations are video recordings of speaking engagements and slide presentations prepared for industry conferences, seminars, and other meetings.
  • On Our Minds is WolfBrown’s periodic newsletter. Here you’ll find an archive of recent blog posts and self-published essays on topics of relevance to the sector.

If you’re looking for something specific and can’t find it, please contact us at


2022 Impact Report: Literary Arts Emergency Fund

by Kathleen Hill, Dr. Steven John Holochwost, Henry Clapp, Dr. Thomas Wolf

January 5, 2022

WolfBrown conducted a comprehensive study of the Literary Arts Emergency Fund—a Mellon-funded initiative that awarded $7.8 million to 376 literary arts organizations and small publishers that had been  >>

2021 Performing Arts Ticket Buyer Media Usage Study

by WolfBrown, Capacity Interactive

March 2022

The 2021 Performing Arts Ticket Buyer Media Usage Study is the third iteration of the 2017 Capacity Interactive study by WolfBrown, which continues to support the work as  >>

Olney Culture Lab: Reflections from The Olney Embrace Project

by Catherine Reed Holochwost

January 5, 2023

“Olney Culture Lab was blessed to have started from the seeds of collaboration. It blossomed from nothing but the joy of camaraderie and community in 2014. Since then,  >>


Research: Music Education and Neurophysiological Regulation in Early Childhood

by Eleanor D. Brown, Dr. Steven John Holochwost, Dr. Dennie Palmer Wolf, Alyssa A. Allen, Mallory L. Garnett, Blanca Velazquez-Martin, Suzanne Varnell, Jessa L. Malatesta


Should Teachers Guide or Get Out of the Way? Special Issue Article in Mind, Brain and Education, 2023. Abstract Access to high-quality early music education programs may mitigate the effects of poverty  >>

Book: Managing a Nonprofit Organization (40th Anniversary Edition)

by Dr. Thomas Wolf

July 19, 2022

An essential and practical resource for the nonprofit field. Celebrating its fortieth anniversary, this classic is now updated for a new generation. Tens of thousands of staff members,  >>

Book: How to Connect with Donors and Double the Money You Raise

by Dr. Thomas Wolf

October 6, 2021

Many nonprofits are constantly seeking out new donors to raise funds and meet fundraising goals. In the chase for those additional dollars, fundraisers and institutions often forget what’s  >>



CultureLab is an international consortium of arts consultants who aim to build a bridge between academic research and everyday practice. Their goal is to speed the diffusion of promising practice into the cultural sector. As a contribution to the field, we have developed the CultureLab website, a knowledge hub and archiving platform for students, researchers, and practitioners working in the cultural sector.