
2017 Performing Arts Ticket Buyer Media Usage Study

WolfBrown, Capacity Interactive

December 2017

Through an innovative partnership, Capacity Interactive and WolfBrown sought to address this gap by producing a definitive report on the media habits of performing arts patrons in the US and Canada. Beyond general media usage patterns, we have sought to determine through which channels patrons are most likely to learn about upcoming performing arts events and which devices they use in the information gathering and purchasing processes.

Capacity Interactive and WolfBrown are pleased to present the data-driven insights on ticket buyers for performing arts events. The results are based on almost 27,000 responses to an online survey from patrons of 58 performing arts organizations across the US and Canada. This white paper presents key findings from WolfBrown’s analysis of the data, along with insights from Capacity Interactive that suggest practical applications for digital marketing.

Read the full report


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