Major University Presenters (MUP)

Major University Presenters (MUP)

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Team: Alan Brown and Jennifer L. Novak

Value & Impact Study

Dissemination is made possible, in part, by a grant from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation

The Major University Presenters (MUP) Value & Impact Study was a two-year study of the values and motivations driving performing arts attendance and donation. The study was commissioned by 14 leading university performing arts presenters.

The study explored how presenters can accumulate and communicate anecdotal evidence of impact. This line of thinking led to the commissioning and production of three stories of impact, available as video files, as well as discussions about how presenters might go about the process of systematically collecting, creating and using the stories. The three stories illustrate how the Clarice Smith Center at Maryland has impacted the lives of a student, a faculty member and a corporate supporter.

Download the resource guide.


Additional Insights on Donors, Ticket Buyers, & Audiences


  1. The Influence of Marketing Messages and Benefits Received On Attributions of Donation Behavior to Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivations – Jennifer Wiggins Johnson & Bret Ellis. This paper seeks to better understand what influenced the degree to which donors perceive extrinsic benefits as the motivations for giving. Read it here.
  2. Study of MUP Donors Motivation, Behavior, and Benefits – May Kim, Yong JaeKo & Heather Gibson. This paper provides a review of theoretical frameworks that guide current perspectives on donor motivation. Read it here.

Special Interest Topics

  1. Analysis of Multiple Intelligences in Understanding the Relationships between Ticket Buyers and Their Participation in Performing Arts Programs – Mark Creekmore & Sarah Rush. This paper examines the validity of using the Values & Impact data to study Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences and investigates relationship between intelligences and preferences for types of performances. Read it here.
  2. Characterizing Program Enhancement Events – Yael Zipporah Silk & Jordan Raphael Fischbach. This paper profiles the enhancement event audience base, examines the impact of enhancement events on patrons who self-select to attend, and identifies characteristics that are predictive of pre- or post-performance event preferences. Read it here.
  3. How Beliefs Matter: Views, Motives and their Relation to Buyer and Donor Behavior – Ximena Varela. This paper investigates audiences political beliefs and explores the relationship between political views and both ticket-buyer and donor behavior. Read it here.

Ticket-Buyers & Demand

  1. Preferences and Purchase Behavior: Survey Evidence on the Relationship between Stated Interested in the Performing Arts and Ticket Purchase History – Sarah Lee. This paper examines the relationship between individuals’ stated preferences for performances and their actual history of ticket-buying. Read it here.
  2. Community Contexts of University Presenters and Their Audiences – Tanya Koropeckyj-Cox, Charles Gattone, William Jawde, & Deeb-Paul Kitchen. This paper offers broader sociological perspective to the understanding of audience values and preferences, by considering the larger community contexts of the presenter-audience relationship. Read it here.
  3. Anticipation: Exploring its Origins and Effects on the Live Arts Experience – Jara Kern. This paper examines the causal factors and relationships underlying high levels of anticipation for performing arts programs.


  1. How We Feel About Art: Motivation, Satisfaction, and Emotional Experience in Performing Arts Audiences – Shelly Gilbride & David Orzechowicz. This paper explores performing arts audiences’ self-reported emotional experiences and how they relate to reasons for attending, expectations for, and satisfaction levels with a performance. Read it here.
  2. Social Influences on Intrinsic Impacts of Performance – Trina Rose. This paper examines the relationships between social and emotional factors and attendance, subscription and post-performance impact. Read it here.

Three Video Productions

The study also explored how presenters can accumulate and communicate anecdotal evidence of impact. This line of thinking led to the commissioning and production of three stories of impact, as well as discussions about how presenters might go about the process of systematically collecting, creating and using the stories. The three stories illustrated how the Clarice Smith Center at Maryland impacted the lives of a student, a faculty member and a corporate supporter.

Measuring the Intrinsic Impacts of Arts Attendance

The ”Assessing the Intrinsic Impacts of a Live Performance” study attempts to define and measure how audiences are transformed by a live performance. Our report attempts to define and measure how audiences are transformed by a live performance. The study, commissioned by the Major University Presenters consortium, develops a simple measurement tool to assess impact, provides an analytical framework for considering the results, and suggests how performing arts presenters might begin to use this information to select programs more purposefully and evaluate them on the basis of impact instead of attendance.

Read the report “Measuring the Intrinsic Impacts of Arts Attendance.”

Segmentation Study

The study produced two new segmentation models, one for ticket buyers and another for donors, based on an extensive multi-site online survey conducted in 2006. A cluster analysis was conducted on a total of 51 attitudinal variables, resulting in a 10-segment ticket buyer model, including Mavericks, Remixers, Networked Students and Serenity-Seekers. A second cluster analysis was performed on donor data to arrive at a 5-segment donor model, including Intrinsics, Networkers, Co-Creators, Marquee Donors, and Youth Focused. Read it here.

Creative Summit Team Presentation

In February 2007, marketing directors, graphic designers and other staff from 12 university presenting programs gathered in Lawrence, Kansas for a three-day intensive creative charrette. The purpose of the charrette was to conceptualize new marketing campaigns based on the new ticket buyer segmentation model.

Read the Creative Summit Advance Briefing and Overview.

Read the Creative Summit Team Presentations.

Read the Donor Summit Presentation and Output.