A 5-year strategic plan for the home to the world’s largest Shakespeare collection
Team: Thomas Wolf, Jane Culbert
Opened in 1932 as a gift to the American people from founders Henry and Emily Folger, the Folger Shakespeare Library is home to the world’s largest Shakespeare collection and to major collections of other rare Renaissance books, manuscripts, and works of art. The Folger serves a wide audience of scholars, visitors, teachers, students, families, and theater- and concert-goers. At the time WolfBrown was engaged to assist with strategic planning, the Folger’s board and its new Director were examining a variety of major issues regarding the collection and collection management, the facility, the Folger’s programs, its infrastructure, and the opportunities offered by the upcoming 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death. In addition, the board-led process examined more broadly the role of the humanities in general and the Folger in particular in an increasingly digital world. The final product included detailed financial scenarios as well as timelines for proposed actions and has resulted in a major renovation of the facility and expansion of programs that serve the public as well as scholars.