Arizona Science Center

Arizona Science Center

Arizona Science Center with purple, green and orange squares

Team: Alan Brown, Surale Phillips, Erin Gold

Arizona Science Center (ASC) selected WolfBrown to conduct mixed-methods research to inform the organization’s strategic planning efforts. Quantitative research conducted in 2022 included a multi-sample perception and use survey of members, visitors, and culturally active adults who were aware of the ASC but had never visited. WolfBrown facilitated qualitative in-person focus groups with local caregivers of children and teens, school teachers, and young childless adults at the ASC. This was followed by virtual focus groups with target audiences living in remote areas of Arizona. In addition, WolfBrown provided the Center with a Focus Group Training Guide to enable staff members to continue qualitative research independently.

Research questions centered on perceptions of relevance, value propositions, program offerings for adults and children, feelings of welcome, behavior motivations and barriers, patterns of use, competitive local attractions, and interest in science topics and desired experiences.

The study results revealed the Center’s footprint in the marketplace and opportunities to expand its reach, improve the visitor experience, expand program offerings for adults and families, and evolve off-facility engagement opportunities throughout the state through a network of partners and science topic affinity groups. Emphasis was put on positioning the Center as a vehicle for cultivating and sustaining lifelong interests in science for all Arizonans.