
Welcome to Our New Intern at WolfBrown

At WolfBrown, we aim to support young researchers from diverse backgrounds as they look for opportunities to learn and grow as professionals. Today we’re pleased to share an addition to this year’s WolfBrown team. We know his unique perspective and hard work will help us continue to grow as a firm.

Marc Skehan, a white man with brown hair, a beard, and blue eyes looking into camera

Marc Skehan is working on research related to the long-term impacts of music education on children’s socio-emotional, cognitive, and academic development. He started to work with WolfBrown after meeting Dr. Steven Holochwost while taking psychology courses from CUNY Lehman College. In charge of cleaning and coding over 4 years of longitudinal data, Marc is assuring the accuracy of diverse datasets collected from multiple project sites. Marc is passionate about this research, as he hopes it will help the field gain a deeper understanding of executive functioning and socio-emotional outcomes in children, perhaps suggesting music education can have a transformative power in addressing socio-economic challenges. He comes to us after having spent several years working in the medical field, and he’s now looking forward to continuing his career in psychological research. In addition to his work with WolfBrown, he is an intern in a clinical psychology placement.