
Event: Dennie Palmer Wolf to Present at the World Alliance for Arts Education World Summit

The World Alliance for Arts Education is partnering with the University of Florida and SEADAE to host a virtual World Summit from October 11-15, 2021.

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This event invites primary and secondary school arts educators, out-of-school time practitioners, higher education professionals, arts education researchers and policymakers, as well as national, state, and local education officials from across the world to network, share research, and examine quality structures, processes, and practices. With notable keynote speakers, session presenters from all six continents, and provocative ideas on timely topics, the World Summit aims to shift the dialogue about arts assessment in the global context.

In their session “Making Sense: The Unrealized Power of Artistic Work in Research and Evaluation,” Dennie Palmer Wolf joins Jeff Poulin (Creative Generation) and Lindsey Buller Maliekel (New Victory) to discuss how they have used artistic productions (theater improvisations, drawings, graphics, etc.) to deepen the understanding of the impact of programs on children and youth.

The presenters will share examples from longitudinal residencies at the New Victory Theater, an oral poetry project at City Lore (an urban folklore center), and youth engagement in Art Place America (a 10-year initiative designed to understand how the arts build community in the US). Attendees will be invited to think about how they might make use of similar tools to deepen their work.

Registration is now open!