
Blog: You Had Me at Hello

Surale Phillips

July 1, 2016


Your Media Coverage Goal

You had me at hello.

This is your goal with the media when it comes to easing the pain of your unending quest for coverage. Yes, there are still some markets with arts critics and reporters, but they are running to stand still, just like you are. Sure, your real goal is coverage, but you won’t get there unless you have them at hello.

According to local media experts, most arts groups don’t have them at hello because they haven’t taken the time to master the new rules. I thought now might be a good time for a refresh on what to do and what not to do when it comes to marketing arts events to local media. One panelist said, “Someone actually called me the other day and asked me to send a reporter out. Like we still have reporters!! Seriously, it’s two of us putting this whole publication together every week. Don’t they get it?”

You don’t want to be that person.

Access this article.


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