
Book: Herding Cats and Cougars

William Keens

December 22, 2009

Dog Ear Publishing, LLC

How to Survive the Meeting You Are Running While Mastering the Art of Facilitation

This unique, 48-page book written by William Keens is a practical guide to planning, facilitating and managing meetings at any level of an organization. Designed to be comprehensive but to-the-point, the guide takes planner-facilitators of all experience levels through a host of essential topics, including “Visualize the Perfect Day,” “Cultural Traditions and Differences,” “The Agenda,” and “Running the Meeting,”- all in one accessible, enjoyable guide. Don’t let the opportunity to make the most of your next meeting go by without preparing yourself, your staff, your members, trustees and others for “whatever breed of cat” they are likely to face.

Read the preview of this book, provided as a special preview for WolfBrown clients and friends.

Purchase this book.


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