
Book: Counting New Beans

Alan Brown, Rebecca Ratzkin, Ben Cameron, Brad Erickson, Rebecca Novick, Arlene Goldbard, Clayton Lord, Diane Ragsdale 


Theatre Bay Area

Intrinsic Impact and the Value of Art

This pioneering study on Intrinsic Impact was released by Theatre Bay Area. It represents a nationwide collective effort to measure the true value of art.  

This groundbreaking book includes: 

  • Forward by Ben Cameron, program officer for the arts, Doris Duke Charitable Foundation. 
  • Introduction by Brad Erickson, executive director, Theatre Bay Area.
  • 20 interviews with prominent artistic directors across the country. 
  • Sample interviews with Roadside Theater’s founding artistic director Dudley Cocke, by Triangle Lab director Rebecca Novick.
  • Essays by lead thinkers in the field Arlene Goldbard, Clayton Lord, Rebecca Novick, and Diane Ragsdale.
  • Executive summary of the final report by Alan Brown and Rebecca Ratzkin of the arts consulting firm WolfBrown.
  • Wordclouds generated from conversations with artistic leaders around the value of art.

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