
Book: Presenting Performances – A Basic Handbook for the Twenty-First Century

Association of Performing Arts Presenters

This recently revised edition of an industry classic contains seven chapters devoted to discussion of presenting from several perspectives, including that of the community, the organization, the performer, the audience member, the fund-raiser, and the technician. This edition contains appendices with sample bylaws, contracts, and press releases as well as glossaries of technical and presenting terms.

Available for purchase.


Recent Publications

Blog: All Hands On Deck

Alan Brown

January 26, 2021


A Call to Action for Arts and Public Health For nine months during 2020 we navigated the worst crisis to hit the arts and culture sector in modern >>

Evaluations at Mid-Life


by Dennie Palmer Wolf In an issue of GuildNotes, Dennie Palmer Wolf continues her article series on program evaluations with an investigation of their mid-life. Imagine that you >>

Initiators and Responders: Leveraging Social Context to Build Attendance

Alan Brown

Summer 2004

John S. and James L. Knight Foundation

Issues Brief Series #4 Summer 2004, Published by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation  by Alan Brown Two observations from recent studies illustrate the paradox of >>